Homework for this Week
Public Speaking
These are the topics for the Public Speaking competition. This week you will need to choose one, compile a list of arguments for or against the title and then to put together a speech for it.
- Children should be paid for attending school.
- Space exploration is a waste of money.
- Television is better than books
- Beauty is only skin deep.
- School should be two hours longer.
- The Olympics are a waste of money.
- Animals should have more rights.
- Everyone should have an electric car.
- Animals should not be killed for meat.
- All health care in Ireland should be free.
- Everyone should be accepted into any country.
- Irish should not be a compulsory subject in school.
- Phones should be banned for those under 14 years of age.
- Climate change has no impact on Ireland.
- Clothes/toys have no gender.
- If you are homeless it is your own fault.
- All students should get breaks from the classroom.
- Nowadays people work too hard.
- We should use ipads instead of books in school.
- All children should have a television in their room.
The link to the Internet survey is available at the following address.
Each week the children will be asked to revise some of their Tables. Please ensure that they do practice these each night. Confidence in tables can be a great help in maths allowing the children to spend more time on more difficult parts of a question and spending less time on quick calculations.
Talking Tuesday
Tuesday is Talking Tuesday. Every Tuesday night the children will have a little reading but will also have an assignment where they will talk to their parents about a topic we have been talking about in class.
Word Problem Wednesday
On Wednesday the children's maths work will be based on a word problem rather than their Mental Maths.
Khan Academy
I introduced the kids to this website today. This is a wonderful website. There are lots of tutorial videos like the ones I will be creating in Maths but will have more than I could ever create (as well as giving the children a break from hearing my voice constantly). :) 5th Grade is the closest to 4th Class level but please feel free to have a look at some of the lower grades if the kids need to look back on things they may not have fully grasped first time around.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy